Monday, September 8, 2008

My Home is Clean and Somewhat Organized!

It's clean! I say somewhat organized because the bedroom is a disaster. It's where I've shoved all the leftovers that still don't have a home. But honestly, a lot of it is papers that need to be filed and the filing cabinet is in the bedroom. So there really aren't many items left that don't have homes. Just some that aren't in their homes yet. I'm hoping to do some decorating this week. I have an idea to copy some illustrations out of storybooks - think old Little Golden Book artwork - and put it in my reading corner that I created. I also have some shelves that I picked up for a few bucks while garage saleing. They're great. They look like airplanes, but they need a little help to be sturdy as they're worn in some places. So I may hit the hardware store. I need some additional cabinet locks anyways. So I guess that's where I must head at some point this week. But anyways, it feels soooo nice to have such a clean house. YAY!!!

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