Friday, December 12, 2008

I Want a Vacation

I want a vacation. I want to go somewhere far away where it's warm and there's ocean. I want to watch Boo play in the waves. And I want to work on my tan - this means going from ultra pale to really pale - it's slightly darker. I want to go somewhere where the economy doesn't suck and my college degree is actually useful. I want to feel the sun in my face instead of freezing wind and I want to be surrounded by natural beauty instead of cornfields.

Honestly, I feel like T and I have lived in one place for too long. We're used to moving around more. It's a bit unnerving. Granted, we don't plan to stay where we're at. We long to go out west someday. I really like the idea of somewhere in Oregon personally. But we'll see. We are just trying to stick with our decision that we made - that T would be all done with nursing school before we move. Perhaps I'd feel better about that decision if we weren't still trying to figure out the financial logistics of him going to school. Ugh - it's been so frustrating and I'm so impatient - just wanting this to be done already.

I guess I'm looking for more than a vacation. I feel like we're getting stuck where we're at and it's not a good feeling. Hopefully we'll figure out how to get unstuck soon so we can get this show on the road.


  1. Galesburg is difficult. It is at once uniquely, eternally home but also lacking. The problem is that it doesn't lack enough to push us to go somewhere else. Which, on the bright side means that there is hope for the 'burg and hideaways that we can go to. Sometimes I just have to make an effort to find a place in Galesburg that I've never been to before. Even if it's just a pleasant little plot of land in the midst of all those cornfields. One place that I like to go to to feel like I'm somewhere else is the old Chapel in Knoxville. It has a european feel and a nice little park across the street. It's probably too cold to go out there right now though. I know this all takes driving which takes gas which takes money but it helps me sometimes. I also do a lot of walking and sometimes I'm surprised at what I find doing that. We all sympathize.
