Monday, June 14, 2010

Third Time is a Charm

Well, here I go again with Weight Watchers. This is my third attempt in the last year and a half. Attempt #1 was short and sweet. I did great, but got pregnant and quit since my goal was no longer weight loss. That pregnancy of course did not end in a baby, at least not one on this earth. I still firmly hold to the fact that my angel baby is in heaven waiting to meet me someday. Soooo...attempt #2 was started two days after I miscarried. For me, it was easier to grieve if I could do something positive with my body. This attempt was great. I lost 24 pounds on this attempt. That was early to mid last year. Then I got lazy with counting. I always seem to sabotage myself when I start to do well. I continued to stop and start. Part of the problem is that I was struggling to attend meetings regularly. Hubby took a summer class and worked Saturdays for awhile and I admit that threw me off and I never quite got back on track after that. The choice was drag Boo to my parents' house early in the morning or drag him with. Neither choice was appealing. For the first I had to get out of bed earlier. The latter choice meant getting grumpy looks from people who felt that I was not keeping my 1 year old quiet enough. So I never got back on track after that, even after hubby no longer had a Saturday commitment. My fault entirely. Then I decided early this year to exchange my weight watcher's membership for a family gym membership. I figured I'd use free online calorie counting software and get to the gym more. Well, it's not enough for me. I'm not successful at all with the online calorie counting site. It's not the site. It's me. Truly, the times when I was successful with weight watchers is when I attended my meetings regularly. So, I guess I'm one of those people that needs to be humiliated on a scale week after week in front of a perfect stranger in order to be motivated enough to stick with good eating habits. Hubby and I have talked and I have decided to join again. I need this to be the time that I make it all the way to my goal. So I'm hoping that in this case third time is a charm. I know that based on my past success I can do this. So here's to getting healthy. Cheers!

Oh...and in case anyone's wondering. I'm discontinuing my blog that was devoted to this. Life is too short to have five million different blogs!

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