Wednesday, February 4, 2009

We're Going the Homeschooling Route

I'm not sure if I've actually come out and said that we're going to be homeschooling. I know I've mentioned it to a few people. But we came to a definite decision shortly after Boo was born. I know it seems to be a bit young to think about a child's education, but that's me, always thinking way far ahead! I like to plan...even though the plans change all the time!

We've decided to go with a curriculum called Ambleside Online. It's a literature based curriculum. It follows the "Charlotte Mason" method, which has as its major emphases character development, nature study, and quality classical literature.

I like that one of the goals of a Charlotte Mason education is to develop a child's love of learning. I firmly believe that helping a child to love learning will do much more good in the long run than teaching a child to pass tests. Just my opinion though!

I know that homeschooling is not for everybody. We definitely know that this is the right decision for us and we're excited about the decision that we've made!

Here's a link to the Ambleside curriculum.

Ambleside Online

1 comment:

  1. You always leave the sweetest comments! We are really seriously considering homeschooling too, its just hard because Ainsleigh really needs to play with kids her age lately and pretend. I have a long way to go as far as educating myself about all I need to do before I can homeschool. I have to do it by Fall, so there's nothing wrong with planning early! We should get together and share ideas sometime. Maybe with Carey too! That would be fun! Oh...I only get so much done because Ainsleigh is 4 and Paige can't walk yet! I really don't get that much done either. And you spend your day taking care of other kids too. I don't know how you do that. I'm just not patient enough! I love reading what you're thinking about. Seems like I'm always thinking about the same thing!
