Monday, February 16, 2009

Why I Think Elfie might be a girl

This is just a fun little post to predict the baby gender - so that I can be proven wrong! Of course I thought Boo was going to be a girl, so my "maternal feelings" don't mean much in this regard! But anyways, here's why I think Elfie is a girl:

This pregnancy is like night and day from my last one. Last time I was sooo nauseated. This time, no nausea. Last time my skin looked wonderful - the best it had in awhile. This time I'm breaking out.

Okay, that's all I've got to go on! What are we hoping for??? A healthy baby...either way. I have reasons for wanting both. I was tempted to think that a boy would be nice because we could reuse a lot of the clothes. Well, I've realized that they'll probably all be off-season! I do think it'd be great for Boo to have a brother close in age. I think there's something special about the bond between brothers. I also think it'd be sweet to see him with a little sister. There's also a special relationship between a girl and her big brother! We have more girl names picked out than boy names. If I could have twin girls it would solve our naming issues that we're having for girls. If I had more than one boy right now, NO idea what would be a second boy name that we like. We have tons of trouble coming up with boy names. Girl names seem to be easier for us!


  1. I think you are right. My husband's friends wife, she had a girl and she said she broke out so bad. Then added that some old wives tale about why she is breaking out because she is having a girl because the girl is taking her beauty away, lol. Did that make sense?

    I am never good at predicting!
